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a positive chain reaction



Heading two thousand of little heARTpaintings have now found their way into the world. The reactions are happy, enthusiastic and surprised, as well as deeply touched and heart-warming. They really are my presents too.

A very nice extra, when someone posts a comment, this can be done on Instagram or website, others can respond to it or be inspired to do something fun & sweet to make other people happy as well, and so on, and so on...
In this way, together we build a new story about
the power of action and reaction. 

Cheers to a positive chain reaction!

Kaartje voor aan een hARTkadootje.jpg
Kaartje voor aan een hARTkadootje

On the back of the card which is attached to the little heARTpainting is a request to let us know where and by whom the gift was found and what they`re going to do with it. 




click on the photos to enlarge

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