visual arts
full of color it
living in
The daily reality is quite gray. The inner self with its dreams and passions has much more color . With colorful story paintings I try to bring my inner world to life and thus confront my dreams with reality.
When dreams are lived, beautiful fairy tales can arise, but even the most beautiful fairy tale has its sharp edges.
for big and small
Adulthood is often overestimated, children are often underestimated.
It is striking that when art is made especially for children, it almost always involves an interactive form. My starting point is that children, just like adults, do not need to be directed to experience what an image does to them.
Serious work with a playful twist.
Old toys get a new life on canvas or local wood. Together we look for how you can make a difference in the world, no matter how small. And that that is important.
Colorful story paintings about the heart with all its facets because in the light and darkness of life it is always about Love.
Dubbelklik op de afbeelding om te vergroten.
Tree Dreams
Trees also have dreams and are full of stories about love, hope and wisdom that I try to translate for them into my work .
Social themes combined with the necessary fairytale world full of dreams and magic.
Eind 2018 ben ik begonnen te experimenteren met nieuw en duurzaam materiaal, lokaal hout. De kringlooppoppetjes die ik voorheen mijn verhalen liet vertellen op doek, vertellen nu de dromen van bomen op Utrechts stadshout. Met dank aan Stichting Tafelboom.